Tuesday, March 21, 2006

March 21, 2006

Hi, I'm Eric. I'm almost 3 months old. Mummy and I decided together that we want our own blog. Daddy's blog is the coolest.. but we want to be able to tell you all the boring things that we do every day.. I will write a bit and mummy will write a bit.

Lately I don't let mummy sleep too late.. She told everybody how good I am and that she can stay in bed until late, so I decided It's time for a change. When Daddy wakes up to go to work I want to get up also, even though I'm still a bit sleepy. I'm not being difficult... mummy puts me on the swing and I go back to sleep. Than she can have breakfast and a shower.

As Eric told you, he took a nap on the swing, than woke up to eat. After his breakfast I always give him a massage. I take baby massage classes from Elyse Tannenbaum. Today it was cool because I was able to give Eric a full body massage (except for the face, he wasn't crazy about that..). Usually he has enough after the legs and the tummy, but today he had more patience and seemed to be having a lot of fun, especially when I massaged his back. After the massage we sang some songs in Hebrew. After that Eric got really tired again so I put him back to sleep. Now I'm going to get ready. We have a workshop today. See you tomorrow!


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